You may well ask.
In 1998 my Mother gave me a photo of my late Father, Charles Reginald
Ellis, taken 50 years earlier in 1948.
Well, not just him, as you can see there are some other people in the same
shot. He is top row, extreme left of the picture, so he's easy to

At the same time I was about to decorate my home office (I was between girl
friends and couldn't think of anything better to do.)
Having hung the photo on the wall, I thought what next?
A trip to the restored ops. room at RAF Digby gave me an idea, and suddenly I
was working in a "Changing Rooms" styled environment;

For some reason, at this point, I began to become more and more interested in
the memorials dotted around the Country, and one evening in the twilight,
standing in the open, lonely countryside reading the words on one of them
about the young men lost, I felt suddenly moved. I'd like to say I know
where this epiphany happened, but I simply can't remember.
But the feeling that the least I can do is try to remember the dead and
the sacrifice they made swept over me and I began to search out the existing
memorials so that I could visit them and somehow help the men they
honoured to live on, if only for a few moments, and only in my mind.
I haven't been able to find a single comprehensive catalogue, and it has
now become a basic drive in me to put one together. So here it is- or at
least it's beginnings.
Robin Ellis.
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